The National Safety Council announced on July 7, 2014 that Dresser-Rand has been honored with a 2014 Industry Leader Award for its safety performance.

The award is a component of the Council’•s member-exclusive Safety Motivation and Recognition Awards Program which benchmarks outstanding safety achievements among member companies based on self-reported data.

Dresser-Rand is one of 47 companies honored with the 2014 Industry Leader Award. The award recognizes the top 5 percent of member companies, units and facilities that have met the criteria and qualified for the 2014 Occupational Excellence Achievement Award (based on 2013 calendar year data) from NSC. Winners are selected based on NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code, lowest incidence rate and employee work hours.

Additionally, the D-R Enginuity facility in Fort Collins, CO also earned an award for their facility.

Pentad Associates is proud of our 8 year association with Dresser-Rand and their Steam Turbine Division. This is the 2nd year in a row that Dresser-Rand has been among the industry leaders in safety performance.

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