Do you know the practical steps to take to get the most out of your current boiler? Do you know how to optimize your boiler’•s efficiencies? Can you spot problem areas on your boiler before they harm your system? The answers to these questions are uncovered at our three-day instructional course, Boiler University.

How do you get the most out of what you have right now as it relates to your boiler operation? There are three main areas which answer that question. Boiler University takes an in-depth look at each of the three areas, so you can begin optimizing and prolonging the life of your boiler.

1) Start with what you have! – Optimize the operating efficiency of your existing equipment

Water Chemistry: Your heat transfer surfaces must be free of scale. To reduce scale, water chemistry must be a top priority.

Combustion: Combustion tuning is highly recommended twice per year, generally taking place after major seasonal changes in spring and fall. Soot that gathers on fireside surfaces must be routinely cleaned to maintain optimum heat transfer.

Pressure Control Synergy: Boiler firing rate and operating limit controls must be properly coordinated to prevent frequent cycling of the boiler. Excess boiler cycling can result in tens of thousands of dollars due to energy waste.

2) Do the right things, day in and day out! – Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Maintenance

Daily Maintenance

Chemical hardness testing

Continuous blowdown adjustment

Bottom blowdown

Level control limit checks

Boiler room log maintenance

Weekly Maintenance

Rotate feed water pumps

Visually inspect steam system

Review chemical and boiler logs to spot inconsistencies

Monthly Maintenance

Slow or evaporation low water cutoff testing

Test flame scanner and all operating limits and interlocks

Comprehensive combustion analysis

Annual Maintenance

Open and inspect steam boilers operating over 15 psi

Inspection on hot water or low pressure steam boilers is done on alternating years

Fire boilers on backup fuels prior to heating season

Bubble leak test gas train piping and valves

Check chemicals on hot water heating systems

3) Be on the lookout! Have a detailed knowledge of the common issues that face all boiler operations

Thermal Stress: Rapid cycling and severe service conditions can result in tube and pressure vessel failure

Poor Maintenance: Lack of daily testing and routine maintenance

Mechanical Malfunctions: Every switch will eventually fail, routine testing and replacement when it’•s required will keep your system running flawlessly

Chemistry: Poor water quality will result in boiler failure faster than any other cause

This is in no way a comprehensive list of what is covered at Boiler University, however at Boiler U, students take a detailed look at how to improve their boiler operations. With hands on demonstration, boiler technicians will be equipped to optimize their boiler’s performance.

For more information, email us at

Article courtesy of Ware’s “The Grime”

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