Zeeco announced December 18th that it has unveiled its ProFlame industrial grade flame scanner, an optical safety device that provides reliable flame detection and instant flame status for burner applications. ProFlame scanners are primarily used in power, wastewater treatment and industrial plants, as well as refineries, pulp and paper, steel, or other furnaces that fire oil, gas, biomass, chemicals and other waste products. These scanners are designed to be used on single burner applications, duct burners, and smaller, multiple burner applications (four burner boilers or heaters) that fire gaseous and liquid fuels.

The ProFlame uses state-of-the-art dual signal channel, fully analog design for use in SIL3 applications, and provides easy flame analysis. The LED display illuminates the flame-on and flame-off status, as well as the flame intensity. Easily configurable tuning controls, such as gain and flicker frequency selection, enable fast, reliable scanner commissioning. Adjustable flame relay pull in time, service dipswitch, adjust dipswitch, and raw flame signal measuring pins allow for advanced troubleshooting and signal analysis.

Zeeco’s ProFlameintegrated scanner is designed in three models: ZPF-110 (Zone 1 hazardous), ZPF-120 (Zone 2 hazardous), and ZPF-130 (non-hazardous areas). The ProFlame utility grade scanner is expected to launch after the first of the year.

ProFlame scanners have been successfully tested on a variety of burners at Zeeco’•s Combustion Research and Test Facility, near Tulsa, Okla. For more information please give us a call!

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