Zeeco is a world leading combustion equipment design and manufacturer, specializing in next generation ultra low NOx burners, flares for onshore and offshore applications, and gas / liquids incineration systems. These specific seminars will be presented by Zeeco staff experienced in all combustion products and provide overview of how our products fit in with your business. We wish to cover specific design and performance issues that are most meaningful for your group. We will follow generally the below agenda, but welcome your questions during our presentation. We typically cover equipment selection, design criteria and resulting performance, including the following:

Burner Types, applications, design and performance, Process Heater applications, Boiler / OTSG (Once Through Steam Generators), HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generators),Environmental Regulations forthcoming

Flares Types, applications, design, smokeless performance; flare selection factors, type and design, flare system support options, pilots, monitoring and ignition options; Types of flare tips and purge reduction options; Staged / Totally Enclosed Ground Flare designs; Flare Gas Recovery including deep staging liquid seal; Environmental Regulations forthcoming

Incineration Systems, applications, design options; Gas Plants, Chemical plant, Refinery applications

We are offering to schedule a technical presentation at a convenient time for your group, and we welcome questions throughout the presentation in order to best address any specific issues and generate technical dialogue on design features with our technical staff.

Email us at admin@pentadassoc.com for more information!

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