Webster Combustion Technology is planning on another great Combustion College this Spring!
The Webster Combustion College webpage is now active and ready for registrations for their 2017 Spring classes.
Here is a link directly to the registration page:
Webster is changing their format somewhat this year in hopes that they can accommodate more attendees and provide more focused training, but they still expect their classes to fill up very quickly.
The final date for registration is February 10, 2017, so please sign up as soon as possible to confirm your spot in one of Webster’s sessions.
Meeting ELG Regulations for Coal Power Plants
Graver Water Systems can now provide solutions to meet the more stringent EPA regulations related to the new effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs).
Graver’s experience enables them to provide systems that meet the new removal requirements for arsenic, selenium and mercury.
We would be happy to discuss Graver’s capabilities with you. Please contact us for further information.
Siemens Combustion Controls Model LMV52
New Flue Gas Collector options for LMV52 available as of October 17th, 2016.
Incorporating all of the features of the LMV51, the LMV52 Linkageless Burner Management System offers high impact options including O2 Trim, Variable Frequency Drive control, and additional actuator control possibilities. The LMV52 provides the ultimate flexibility to safely meet control needs, improve process control and reduce energy costs.
DUG Rockies Conference 2016!
Coming soon is the 2016 DUG conference! With many key-note speakers like Jim Volker, Greg Hill, and Heath Mireles, you will learn about optimizing completion techniques with improved frac designs and new technologies and streamlining logistics. The conference will be held at the Colorado Convention Center March 9 through 11. Whether it’s “lower for longer” or a “faster-than-expected recovery,” the innovative spirit that launched America’s shale revolution will be at DUG.
For more information, or to register for the show, email us at admin@pentadassoc.com!
BFS 70th Anniversary!
Pentad Associates is proud to say that we have been representing BFS for eight years! BFS Industries manufactures a complete line of boiler room and diesel generator support products, including deaerators in spray, tray, and packed column type; boiler feed and condensate systems; and oil pumping systems and day tanks.
For more information, email us at admin@pentadassoc.com!
Pentad Associates Factory of the Month!
Pentad Associates is beginning a new program to advertise the factories that we represent, the Factory of the Month for April is Critical Fuels! Critical Fuel Systems is a division of BFS Industries, LLC. Critical Fuels has engineered their product line to provide standard diesel fuel equipment that can be easily applied to most any project design. Modular fuel systems, which critical fuel systems specializes in, provides the building owners flexibility in system design as well as affording for future system augmentation by simply plugging in new modules as required to meet changing system demands.
Zeeco Offers Technical Lunch & Learn Presentations!
Zeeco is a world leading combustion equipment design and manufacturer, specializing in next generation ultra low NOx burners, flares for onshore and offshore applications, and gas / liquids incineration systems. These specific seminars will be presented by Zeeco staff experienced in all combustion products and provide overview of how our products fit in with your business. We wish to cover specific design and performance issues that are most meaningful for your group. We will follow generally the below agenda, but welcome your questions during our presentation. We typically cover equipment selection, design criteria and resulting performance, including the following:
Burner Types, applications, design and performance, Process Heater applications, Boiler / OTSG (Once Through Steam Generators), HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generators),Environmental Regulations forthcoming
Flares Types, applications, design, smokeless performance; flare selection factors, type and design, flare system support options, pilots, monitoring and ignition options; Types of flare tips and purge reduction options; Staged / Totally Enclosed Ground Flare designs; Flare Gas Recovery including deep staging liquid seal; Environmental Regulations forthcoming
Incineration Systems, applications, design options; Gas Plants, Chemical plant, Refinery applications
We are offering to schedule a technical presentation at a convenient time for your group, and we welcome questions throughout the presentation in order to best address any specific issues and generate technical dialogue on design features with our technical staff.
Email us at admin@pentadassoc.com for more information!
Resin, The Ant-Man of Boilers
Ant Man hit theaters July 17th with Paul Rudd playing hero Scott Lang. Ant Man is a character from the Marvel Universe who can shrink to the size of -you guessed it – an ant. Along with his ability to shrink, he has super human strength. He truly is the tiniest protector of the Marvel Universe. The tiny protector in the Boiler Universe is called resin.
Resin is a collection of tiny beads that are negatively charged and are located inside a water softener. Their purpose is simple: to protect your boiler. They do this by filtering the water before it enters your boiler. If these tiny protectors were not present, the minerals in the water would cause pitting and scaling in your boiler which greatly reduce heat transfer efficiency.
Resin plays a pivotal role in keeping your water clean. It is something that you typically don’t see but is at the heart of your water softener. Without it, the feedwater to your boiler would be filled with impurities that would significantly reduce the useful life of your boiler.
So how does it work?
Water enters the water softener hard. Hard is another way of saying that it is full of minerals and dissolved solids. These minerals are positively charged. When they flow through the water softener and across the negatively charged resin beads, an ION exchange occurs and the minerals attach themselves to the beads. This allows clean soft water to pass through to your boiler system.
Email us at admin@pentadassoc.com for a full copy of “The Grime” newsletter!
(Courtesy of the Grime newsletter)
2015 Rocky Mountain Chapter Gas Processors Association Annual Conference
The GPA Rocky Mountain Chapter (GPARMC) is a Non-Profit Organization committed to serve as a forum for exchanging ideas and information regarding the Midstream Industry and provide opportunities for social interaction with others involved in the industry in the local Rocky Mountain area.
Pentad in conjunction with Adwest Technologies and GEA Heat Exchangers, will be hosting a booth at the upcoming Rocky Mountain GPA Conference on Thursday November 19th, 2015. This year’s location for the event is the Denver Marriott City Center
1701 California Street.
If you plan to attend please stop by our booth to visit Randall Miller and Brian Cannon of Adwest, and discuss Adwest’s RETOX Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) for Flameless NOx-Free VOC abatement air pollution solutions at booth #11.
For more information, email us at admin@pentadassoc.com!
19th Annual Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair!
If you plan to attend the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair – please stop by Booth #2 and visit with Randall Miller.
He will be pleased to discuss Zeeco Flare Equipment, Adwest RETOX Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers, and TM Filtration Gas Filtration Equipment / Fluid Engineering Strainers.
The Oil & Gas Fair runs Tuesday September 15th thru Thursday September 17th, 2015 at the Casper Events Center